What is an Instagram Shadow Ban & How to Avoid It?

What is an Instagram Shadow Ban How Do You Get Rid

Accounts that are managed individually or by a company through digital media are tried to be brought to the fore with many different studies. These studies on accounts may cause bad notifications by Instagram as they contain too artificial methods in some cases. If the Instagram terms of use, which should be considered in the management of Instagram accounts, are not followed, a Shadow Ban will occur. In the article, “What is Instagram Shadow Ban? How do you escape?” We will look for answers to questions such as:

In social media channels, users create their own pages and try to gain a large number of followers in order to earn income from the advertising share. Users who produce in different fields from e-commerce activities to freelance work mostly try to make bot accounts and viral shares to increase their follower numbers. Such situations are sometimes reflected in the system in an exaggerated way.

In addition, viral shares are spammed and cause objectionable situations. Therefore, such fast follower gain methods can lead to bad results in terms of pages. In order to eliminate these bad results, service providers such as Insta Follower offer organic studies. If you wish, let’s first consider how the Shadow Ban problem arises.

How Does an Instagram Shadow Ban Appear?

The Shadow Ban issue occurs in different ways. However, it is possible to say that it is caused by some basic situations. Shadow Ban occurs when Instagram bots draw attention to the methods users use to gain large numbers of followers. As a result of some notifications, these are reflected in the user accounts and then some sanctions are applied to the page. These sanctions are called Shadow Bans.

While the Shadow Ban Penalty is applied in some cases to prevent the account from performing certain transactions for a certain period of time, in some cases this sanction can go up to the closure of the account. The size of these penalties is related to the reasons for the Shadow Ban problem. Behaviours that do not comply with Instagram security protocols and basic community guidelines are often penalized this way. In general, this occurs in the form of restriction or closure of the account.

Important Note: Several blogs claim that buying Instagram likes & Followers can lead to an Instagram Shadow ban which is absolutely untrue. However, you should also focus on getting followers from trusted sellers.

What Problems Do Profiles With Shadow Ban Encounter?

Getting a Shadow Ban heavily affects your Instagram account. The size of the penalty for these sanctioned profiles also greatly affects the number of users and the earnings of the page. For example; Visibility on Instagram is greatly reduced and the work of the page may be disrupted. Profiles that receive a Shadow Ban may face the following consequences:

  • Since the Instagram account will be restricted due to the Shadow Ban, the account will be visible only to the followers and the view of the account by the followers’ circle will be limited.
  • Accounts subject to these sanctions will not be able to reach new audiences as they cannot be viewed on Discover.
  • No sharing of the page will be seen, nor will it be listed in the tag section. For example; when a tag like #instafollower is made, the pages with penalties will not appear on the home page of this tag. It will be impossible to appear in the location section added through the account.

What Causes Instagram Shadow Ban?

Shadow Ban emerges from profiles that make erroneous actions, especially while trying to grow their account on social media. Many different reasons, from trying to increase the number of followers with an exaggerated large number of bot systems to sharing posts that are banned in the account, can cause a Shadow Ban. We can list the reasons for Shadow Ban on the Instagram account as follows:

  • First of all, one of the most important factors causing this problem is unnatural follower growth.
  • Repeating the content repeatedly, in the same way, will result in the account being restricted or closed. Use of prohibited images or posts deemed obscene will result in spam and therefore Shadow Ban.

What are the Ways to Get Rid of the Shadow Ban?

After receiving the Instagram Shadow Ban, certain conditions must be met for the pages to recover. The number of followers of the page in question may not have increased enough. For this reason, it is one of the most important solutions to resort to natural methods to eliminate the problem.

Here is what you need to do to get rid of Shadow Ban:

  • All tags used, especially irrelevant and repetitive posts, should be completely removed. You can see how to do this in our article named ‘ Removing Instagram Tags ‘.
  • It is also useful to stop the use of tags in your account for a certain period of time.
  • Your account must be made legal and useful in all aspects. It will also be useful to stop following the page and sending requests for a certain period of time.
  • After minimizing the use of the account for a while, you can gradually enter a normal usage process.


What is an Instagram Shadow Ban? How do you escape?” You can easily move your page back to a certain point by taking our content for which we are looking for answers as a guide. First of all, it is useful to take action in the most natural ways so that your page does not encounter such problems.

You can take advantage of various advantages offered through Insta Follower to avoid such problems and to get rid of them quickly if you do! Insta Follower allows your page to develop and grow in the most natural ways.

A Digital Maestro Hailing from the Heart of Canada 🍁

Hi! I’m Adam Johnson from Canada. I help people get better at using platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and YouTube. Not only do I give tips on social media, but I also write easy-to-read articles on my website. I love sharing what I know to help everyone do their best online. Check out my blog to learn more and grow your online presence!

- Adam Johnson
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